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On Snow and Ice and Rock

Episode 6: Summer



Summer | Episode 6: On Snow and Ice and Rock from On Snow and Ice and Rock

on_snow_and_ice_and_rock_12, dorian densmore, brandon gust, skiing in grand teton national park

In the final episode of the On Snow and Ice and Rock series, Brandon Gust and Dorian Densmore find themselves getting up high in the Tetons to take advantage of snowfall that lasted long into last summer. Ropes, crampons and ice axes allow them to get to some lines that only few have skied before. The series ends, fittingly, where it began, in the Tetons with some beautiful shots that remind us of the awesome power of these mountains. Be sure to check out On Snow and Ice and Rock on the Cold Smoke Awards People’s Choice Tour and vote for one of the best films of the year.



On Snow and Ice and Rock Series


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